lilbloodbear's Profile US

lilbloodbear's Avatar
Name: lilbloodbear
Birth date: 29 July, 1962
Relationship status: Married
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Country: United States
Favourite category: Pornstar
City: Muskogee
Joined: 1 year ago
Profile viewed: 350 times
Other people have watched lilbloodbear's videos: 0 times
About me: I'm a 60-year-old biker it loves to fucking give pleasure I'm opening anything 3 years back I had a wreck supposed to be quite a privilegic but I walk on Walker and my dick works I need some attention thank you looking forward to meeting you and talking to you and sexting with you
My Favourite Videos: I don't have any of my favorite video I like a variety of all kinds man like I said I'm opening the most anything


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